The most advanced platform for VC and PE, sourcing to investor relations

The best market, person and company data, without separate subscriptions, manual entry, or messy integrations

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A beautiful & intuitive "XRM"

All in one and purpose built to help VC and PE firms identify, access, close and manage

A person excited to have access to Rings and its millions of always fresh data

The most current market data, no syncing or manual entry required

Day 1 access to millions of always-fresh companies, people and investments via Rings data partnerships, internal research group and community

Deeper tracking and sourcing capabilities than ever before

Find new opportunities by mining, tracking, and cross-referencing global companies and firms, their investment portfolios, and their key executives, board members and advisors

A group of employees showing the data and tools they use everyday in their workplace
connections between people

Use the firm’s entire network to win bigger deals, more frequently

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Access, advance and win highly competitive investment processes by leveraging your firm’s social connections, LPs, advisors, alumni and other influencers

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Automatically see connections, deals, board members and many other commonalities to always access and advance deals through the strongest connections

One place for your team to manage active deal processes and their stages

Track deal stages, their key internal and external players, and their important files, notes and other related information, all tightly integrated

Group of workers in discussion
A person surrounded by up to date data and metrics

Robust fund management, fundraising and investor relations

One place to manage all of your investment vehicles, their key assets and LPs, and underling metrics. And when fundraising, Rings lets you manage all the key players seamlessly

The best of our data plus the full privacy of yours

Build the world's best dataset by using your private data on top of our community data. Best of all, you can see all of it together, without overwrites, duplicates, or switching between windows

A person thinking about their workplace team
A person on the computer using Rings

Robust customization and lightning-fast onboarding

We know every customer is different, so Rings was built to let you custom-tailor it to your firm easily. And because we typically have a wealth of data about  your firm already, when paired with our concierge service for anything we missed, set up is a breeze

Plus these benefits:

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Auto syncing of emails and meetings, with smart visibility
Rings automatically syncs your Ring's emails and calendar appointments, from G Suite or Office 365, and surfaces their contents and files on all of the right companies and people.

And with our smart visibility, you can rest easy knowing that their contents will only be seen by those you expect.
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Proprietary contact info on executives and companies globally
And because we typically have a wealth of data about  your firm already, when paired with our concierge service for anything we missed, set up is a breeze.
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Automatically see common investments and relationships, to come prepared to every meeting and zero-in on value
Stop relying on serendipity and clicking endlessly between screens and to gather insights.  Rings XRM connects the dots for you, surfacing critical interconnections between your business goals and your firm’s network, deal and activity history, and so much more.
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Privacy First
Place yourself, your team or your entire company into our unique "Rings," with only those within that Ring being able to see the private data entered and synced from their colleagues.

Best of all, all Ringmembers still get the latest of Rings always-updated community dataset, right alongside!
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Intuitive customization
without coding
We know every customer is different, so Rings was built for easy custom-tailoring: from investment types, to how you manage your network and the intricacies of your deal process.
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Lightning fast onboarding, paired with Rings Concierge gets your team going fast
With our wealth of market data, Rings already knows many of the people, companies and deals that matter to you and your “Rings Concierge” can fill in the rest -  making onboarding a breeze.

Try Rings free for 14 days with your team

Request a Demo
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Free onboarding tutorial and support
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10 hours of complimentary Rings Concierge, including data entry and migration
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Access to custom development services